Directory module positions

The directory extension provides some custom module positions to allow displaying of different modules.


Please notice that the module positions are not available for selection in the module edit view. You will have to fill in the position manually and press enter.

Business Listing search results

On the search results page the module positions are generated in the following way

  1. On top of the search filter you can display modules using dir-search-listing-top module position.

  2. On the bottom of the search filter, if a search is done with an empty category there is a general module position available and that is dir-search-listing

  3. If a search is done with a specific category you can load banners based on that specific category. The module position contains also the alias of the category and it has the following structure dir-search-category_alias. E.g. If you search for automotive category then the module position will be dir-search-automotive

  4. On the top of the search results page - listing-search

  5. On the top of the search results page, bellow the search text - search-middle

  6. Between the search results on third and tenth position: search-results-3, search-results-10


Business Listing detail view

On the business listing, for each view style there is a module position available, dir-listing


Offers search results

On the search results page the module positions are generated in the following way

  1. On top of the search filter you can display modules using dir-search-offers-top module position.

  2. On the bottom of the search filter, if a search is done with an empty category there is a general module position available and that is dir-search-offers

  3. If a search is done with a specific category you can load banners based on that specific category. The module position contains also the alias of the category and it has the following structure dir-search-offers-category_alias. E.g. If you search for automotive category then the module position will be dir-search-offers-automotive

  4. On the top of the search results page - offers-search

  5. On the top of the search results page, below the search text - offers-search0-middle

Offer details view

On the offer details view, for each view style there is a module position available, dir-offer

Event search results

On the search results page the module positions are generated in the following way

  1. On top of the search filter you can display modules using dir-search- events-top module position.

  2. On the bottom of the search filter, if a search is done with an empty category there is a general module position available and that is dir-search-events

  3. If a search is done with a specific category you can load banners based on that specific category. The module position contains also the alias of the category and it has the following structure dir-search-events-category_alias. E.g. If you search for automotive category then the module position will be dir-search-events-automotive

  4. On the top of the search results page - events-search

  5. On the top of the search results page, below the search text - events-search-middle

Event details view

On the event details view, for each view style there is a module position available, dir-event