Language management

The application supports at the moment various languages. The language files are located under {joomla_instalaltation}/administrator/components/com_jhotelreservation/language directory. Each language is located in its own directory. For one language it is required at least 2 files:

  • The translation for the menu - de-DE.com_jhotelreservation.sys.ini
  • The translations of the texts - de-DE.com_jhotelreservation.ini

This is an example for the German Language.

You can modify the translation as you need. You can do in the Application Settings of the application or via FTP or a File Manager provided by your host. You just have to pay attention to preserve the value located in front of equal(“=”) sign. This value represents the id and it should not be changed. Also please make sure you close the quotes and leave no characters outside of the quotes.


Notice: on a reinstallation of the component all custom modifications will be overwritten if not existing in the custom file created(en-GB-custom.com_jhotelreservation.ini.

Adding a new language

To add a new language, you have to create a new directory named after the language code and the code of the country. (Ex en-GB, de-DE, it-IT, fr-FR). Also, the naming of the files have to start with the same code. Ex: en-GB.com_jhotelreservation.ini

The component will detect automatically the new language. No other settings are required. The second step is to copy one existing file with the texts ids and to change/replace the translation.


Important: For languages that contain diacritics the encoding of language files has to be UTF8 without BOOM.

Deleting a language

To delete a language you just have to delete the directory of the specific language or delete the language in the Application Settings of the extension on the language tab.