Dear Support,
Where can I find/add the Custom Module Positions (e.g. dir-search-listing-top) if not available in Template?
I copied the MyDirectory template to my other site, but unable to trace positions.
Same for switching to Helix Ultimate, where can I create/add these custom module positions
Dear Robert,
The custom module positions are loaded by the directory extension and are not available in the template layout.
You can read more about the custom module positions offered here
Please let us know if anything else.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the swift reply... I tried various options and sequence of installation, but not successful.
Is there a need to activate/publish the positions?
Brgds, Robert
Hi Robert,
You're welcome. Can you please let us know what are you trying to achieve? Modules and positions?
The custom module positions aren't showing up in the position selection box... so was wondering if needed to be activated.
I installed (one of view combination) Joomla 3.9.4 - JBD 5.02 - Helix3/JBD template/Ultimate, but unable to select the Custom Positions
As mentioned in docs, is included in JBD extension, so no clue why not visible.
I see where the confusion lies. With module positions loaded by the extension, you would have to type in the position as it will not show up in the select box.
Many thanks Mike! That is the solution!
You're welcome! Glad I could help!