JBD Event Appointments

JBD Event Appointments

JBD Event Appointments

The JBD Event Appointment is the perfect solution for a modern, functional and easy to use application.It provides the possibility to book appointments with a company that is participating in an event. Scheduling appointments is one of those tasks that should be handled by software, hence we have built the right application for you or for your clients.

Support & Update: Our application comes with a 6 months support & update period. After the support and update period expires you can still use our product for as long as you need, only your support & updates service expires. After this period has ended you can re-purchase again the app.


was $45.00 Special Price $35.00
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The JBD Event Appointments application is a flexible event online appointment booking system that provides the possibility to book appointments for an event. Scheduling appointments are one of those tasks you should be passing on to your computer and luckily, we have built the right app for you.

How does it work? For each event, you can define the participating companies. The event, for which these companies are chosen, will be displayed in each of the selected companies details views under the “Attending events” section. Once the JBD Event Appointments option is set to yes, in each event a new button will be displayed, called Book Appointment. Requires J-BusinessDirectory v2.5+