I logged a support ticket on 2 March buut no one has respoonded yet so I am posting here in the hopes that I get a solution. We are using the J-Konnect template with J-Business Directory. When going to a caetgory page (one that lists all the businesses in that category) there is a decent space between the sticky menu and the content however as soon as you go to a business, the content seems to start behind he menu ( the name and breadcrumb) I have disabled page title but that made no diifference. I added section#sp-main-body { padding-top: 80px; } to the code which moves it down enough but it also moves the category listing page down which means that the gap there is to big. The site is still in dev at
IF SEO is set to yes on directory general settings you need to set also the menu item id located on SEO tab. The menu item id is to let Joomla know which menu item to associate with the business directory extension since Joomla doesn't know.
The menu item id has to be from a menu item of type J-BusinessDirectory. You can create a menu item in the menu manager. You'll find the menu id value at the end of the table for each item.
As advances settings, you can also associate a menu item id for each item type on directory extension by editing the settings for J-BusinessDirectory URL Translator plugin.