J-BusinessDirectory - Where can I chaneg business form layout

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Where can I change business form layout

when someone lists their business I need to change this form it says view=profile - but I don't know hwere to change this it's not in the view file

4 replies


For business listing details we have 2 layouts at the moment: one page and tabs. This can be changed from application settings.

Is this what you're looking for?

Hi thanks for the speedy reply


No I need to edit the form in which people manage or create their listings - I need to add some descriptive text and rearrange the fields

I have the same problem.  How we costumize this in such a way and at the same time we have an option how this business informatin field (address, location, other custom field) will be shown in the front end listing.

No response yet so far. 


The layout of editing company can be changed from administrator/components/com_jbusinessdirectory/views/category/tmpl/edit.php.


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