J-BusinessDirectory - Url Formating

Support Forum



I have created categories and bsuiness with proper category selected.

In SEO TAB I have set this way:

Then for every Main category I have created menu item for main category:

So I was excepting URL format to be like this: domain.com/category/business-name but what I get is domain.com/business-name

I have also tried Joomla SEO Mechanism and it's placing category into URL but it put category of first menu item for all categories, for example my menu is like this: Home - Travel - Lodging - Cuisine and my url become domain.com/travel/business-name

But if I invert positions like this Home - Lodging - Travel -  Cuisine
url becomea domain.com/lodging/business-name for all categories

1 replies

Yes I think there is some issues using JBD plg and SEO settings I also have problem with that using also Joomla 5.2.5 and newest JBD. Do you use JBD J-BusinessDirectory Url Translator - system / urltranslator plugin too? This plugin is used for JBD url translation.

hmm hope we get some update and test so we can use JBD plg to get the important SEO urls work correctly..



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