as discussed in topics before It would be good to know if there are any coming JBD 5.4.2 update for OpenStreetMap features & settings (menu, module) for fullwidth, zoom and cluster that not working for latest JBD 5.4.1.
Thank you for your suggestion.
We will check to see what can be done. George"
One nice WP example here for zoom and fullwitdth design https://main.wpestatetheme.org/properties/trestle-at-wallis-ranch/
There have been this discussions here:
1. https://www.cmsjunkie.com/forum/improve-openstreetmap-clustering-and-look/#simple-forum-post-6176
2. https://www.cmsjunkie.com/forum/j-businessdirectory-maps-for-today-could-be-better-if-.../#simple-forum-post-6240
3. https://www.cmsjunkie.com/forum/feature-improvement-map-make-fullscreen-map-icon-osm/#simple-forum-post-6300
5.4.1.? Tell me more :-)
coming Monday.. here is some more info to learn from its a good OSM Joomla comp.. hope to see the fullscreen option map working on web and mobile :)
@Robert Bal 5.4.1.? Tell me more :-) hahaha yeah check today.