J-BusinessDirectory - SEF URL for business listings

Support Forum




we are using Jbuisness directory to listing the items.

Currently the listing alias can be opened under any url on Joomla website, that creating an issue in SEO as well as in the frontend view

for example we created a menu item blog  and selected a listing category

now all the listing item under the category should be opened /blog/listing-alias

however it is opening under default homepage. example.org/listing-alias

would like to know if there is option to change it like Joomla routing.


Thank you

3 replies

In the directory general settings -> SEO tab you can set SEO to Joomla.
The URL for the listing can be changed as well in the SEO tab. You can add the menu item alias to force listing to point under the same menu item.


I tried this option but it does not working exactly.

It worked for a menu item fine. but for others menu where i have different category selected in the Menu

i am still getting  all links item are pointed to first menu.


example: Menu item stay : category Lodge

this works fine.

Menu item  : Dining : category dining.

this does not work dining category listing still opening as /stay/alias


same case with other menu items all are opening under /stay 

Currently, you cannot link listing to menu item alias. You can have different categories and add the category alias on the listing URL.


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