J-BusinessDirectory - Potentially Outdated Libraries in J-BusinessDirectory

Support Forum



Hello everyone,

I’ve been reviewing some of the JavaScript and CSS libraries included in my J-BusinessDirectory installation (version 5.8.25 -0 released a few days ago), and I’m trying to understand whether the versions I have (version might present security, compatibility, or maintenance issues. I’ve compiled the table below, listing each library’s version (where known), the latest versions (to the best of my knowledge), and potential risks. However, I fully acknowledge I may have misread or misidentified some versions—and I’m open to corrections.

Folder Program Version Version Date Latest Version Latest Date Security Risk Compatibility Risk Maintenance Risk
animate Animate.css Unknown Unknown v4.1.1 2020 Low Moderate High (older versions often not updated or maintained)
babel babel.min.js 6.26.0 2017 v7.21.0 (approx.) ~2023 High High Severe (major version jump from 6 to 7)
bootstrap bootstrap-tagsinput v0.6.1 2016 v0.7.1 2016 Moderate Moderate High (library is rarely updated now)
bootstrap-datepicker bootstrap-datepicker.js v1.9.0 2019 v1.10.0 2023 Moderate Moderate Moderate
calendar FullCalendar.io v2.3.1 2015 v6.1.x (6.1.16 cited) ~2023/2024 High High High (very large gap from v2.x to v6.x)
cropper Cropper.js v1.5.6 2019 v1.5.13+ (latest 1.x) ~2022/2023 Moderate Moderate Moderate (official v1.6.x not clearly verified)
date daterangepicker.js 3.0.3 Unknown Unknown Unknown Moderate (est.) Moderate (est.) Moderate (est.) – depends on usage and any known vulnerabilities
dropzone dropzone.js 5.5.1 Unknown (~2018) 6.0.x (latest major) ~2022/2023 Moderate Moderate Moderate
icon-picker fontawesome-iconpicker.js 1.12.1 Unknown (~2017) Possibly no recent updates Unknown Moderate Moderate High (project seems minimally maintained)
jquery jquery-ui.js v1.12.1 2016 v1.13.2 (final jQuery UI) 2022 Moderate High (jQuery version) High (jQuery UI is only minimally maintained now)
jssor-slider-27.5.0 Jssor Slider 27.5.0 Unknown Possibly 28.x+ Unknown Unknown Moderate Moderate
leaflet leaflet.js 1.9.4 ~2022/2023 Possibly 1.9.x or 1.10.x 2023 (ongoing) Low Low Low/Moderate (Leaflet is still actively maintained)
magnific-popup jquery.magnific-popup.min.js v1.1.0 ~2016 1.1.0 (no newer official) 2016 Moderate Moderate High (not updated in years)
map markercluster.js Unknown Unknown Depends on Leaflet version Unknown Unknown Moderate Moderate
modal jquery.modal.js 0.9.2 ~2014/2015 Possibly 0.9.2 is latest ~2015 Moderate High High (may not be maintained)
metis-menu metisMenu.js 2.0.3 ~2015 3.x/possible 2.7.x ~2020+ Moderate Moderate Moderate
moment moment.js 2.24.0 2019 2.29.4 / 2.29.5 ~2022 Moderate Moderate High (Moment now in maintenance mode; newer alternatives exist)
morris morris.js 0.5.0 ~2014 Possibly no active updates Unknown Moderate High High (project is effectively in maintenance or unmaintained)
owl owl.carousel.min.js 2.3.4 ~2018 2.3.4 (rare updates) ~2018 Moderate Moderate High (not frequently updated)
range-slider ion.rangeSlider.js 2.3.1 ~2017/2018 2.3.1 or 2.3.2 ~2018 Low/Moderate Moderate High (seldom updated)
raphael raphael-min.js 2.1.4 ~2014 2.3.0+ 2020 Moderate High High (older versions may have compatibility issues)
slick slick.js 1.8.0 ~2017/2018 1.8.1 / 1.9.x (forks only) ~2018/2019 Moderate Moderate High (original Slick has limited updates)
star-rating bootstrap-star-rating 4.0.5 ~2016 4.1.x or 4.2.x (forks) Unknown Moderate Moderate High (main repo has limited activity)
unitegallery unitegallery.js 1.7.45 ~2017 Possibly 1.7.50+ (forks) Unknown Moderate Moderate High (official project updates appear minimal)
validation-engine jquery.validationEngine.js 3.1.1 ~2016 Possibly 3.2.x Unknown Moderate High High (few official updates; jQuery version issues)
2 replies

I’m hoping CMS Junkie staff (and other users) can confirm whether:

My version information and dates are accurate, or if there are errors.
These libraries are deliberately being used at these versions.
The stated Security, Compatibility, and Maintenance risks align with CMS Junkie’s own assessments.
Keeping these older libraries could potentially expose my site to security vulnerabilities or degrade performance under newer versions of PHP or Joomla.

I’m especially concerned about how each library’s status might affect overall stability and data security on my server. If these are known to be outdated or replaced, could you let me know if JBD intends to upgrade them or if you recommend that clients handle updates on their own?

I don’t mean to nit-pick or overstate the risks—my apologies if I’ve overlooked something obvious. I want to ensure my site remains secure and compatible. Any clarifications would be appreciated, especially if I’ve made mistakes in the table. If these items are indeed out of date, I would appreciate guidance on the best way to address them.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Thank you for bringing to our attention the potential issues regarding outdated JavaScript and CSS libraries. We appreciate your detailed analysis and the comprehensive table you've provided.

Addressing Your Concerns:

Library Versions and Updates:

  • We strive to maintain compatibility across Joomla 3, 4, and 5, which sometimes requires using legacy libraries to ensure stability. However, we recognize the importance of keeping dependencies up to date for security, performance.

Security and Compatibility Risks:

  • Security is our top priority. While not all outdated libraries pose immediate threats, we understand the importance of proactive updates to mitigate potential vulnerabilities. Starting with JBD v5.0 we will review to identify and address any risks associated with these libraries.

CSS and JavaScript libraries themselves do not directly degrade performance under newer PHP versions or newer Joomla versions.


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