Hi - great component.
I'm just stuggling with a few things below:
The new payment processors are available only from version 3.0.0. They all created by default and you can use them.
All the words that appear on front-end can be translated in the language files.
We need your site address to check the problem about search.
Thank you - I am trying to upgrade to the lastest version so the bugs can be fixed - but I cannot see where to download this?
My order ID is # 100000538, purchased on 3rd Nov 2013. Will you be able to email this to me as soon as possible please.
Can you please explain me how to add the payment methods ? Because I can only adapt paypal. Thxs in advance !
Best regards
All payment methods should be availble from the start on installation. Only if you upgrade from an old version, the payment methods are not upgraded.
Most of payment processors were introduced in version 3.0.0.
Same thing, where do I download the upgrade?